CM Uses:
– Accessory dwelling unit and junior accessory dwelling units
– Art galleries
– Financial Services, including banks, credit unions, investment brokers, asset manager, and not including pawn shops and short-term lending (payday loans) businesses
– Hotels Offices, professional and medical, provided that a CUP is required for offices located on the ground floor
– Residential units
– Restaurants, bars, cocktail lounges and coffee shops, all types
– Retail businesses, including grocers, convenience stores, and stores featuring large or small item indoor display areas
– Service businesses, including grocers, convenience stores, and stores featuring large or small item indoor display areas
– Service businesses, including personal cosmetic services, dry cleaning, real estate, insurance and package/mail business
– Short-term rentals in legal non-conforming structures Studios, including for fitness, marital arts, dance, art, media production, etc.
R3 Uses:
– A Mixture of single-family, duplex, triplex, and medium density multifamily developments